Version Changes
v0.31: (5/25/13 Yes, that's 6 and a half years since the last release)
- Removed "demo" limitation, opening up the rest of the rooms, bosses, and powers that were previously
implemented but unreachable
v0.3: (10/18/06)
- added "head bump" during jump, instead of floating against ceiling
- removed outline from fire
- replaced a couple of sfx in intro movie
- made doors gradient yellow
- darkness/spotlight effect (not in demo)
- sun boss (not in demo)
- arch enemy boss (not in demo)
- shell game boss (not in demo)
- sawbot boss (not in demo)
- tree boss (not in demo)
- bows! (not in demo)
- eraser (not in demo)
- rearranged rooms a little
- other minor edits
- 11 bosses, 95 rooms
v0.2: (6/25/06)
v0.14: (6/18/06)
- fixed title music not looping
- gave clockface another mode
- added boss music
- moved lock block on the way to batclops
- shrank player hit range
- other minor changes
v0.13: (6/4/06)
- made falling blocks gray again
- reassign keys option
- music volume option
- no standing if blocked
- fixed walking fall out of roll glitch
v0.12: (6/2/06)
- made falling blocks brown
- fixed no dying in roll glitch
- mute music when game is paused
- fall check when lock blocks disappear
- background in long hallway
- monstroom to highlight path
v0.11: (6/2/06)
- green cannons
- green crying masks
- pink pogophants
- 8 larger fists on goatse boss instead of 12 smaller ones
- replaced snills in falling block hallway with zombies
v0.1: (6/1/06)
Initial demo release
Previous milestones:
- 5/29/06: 6 bosses, 45 rooms
- 5/15/06: 3 bosses, 22 rooms
- 4/24/06: started